King Katsu Chicken Burger
Turn the Japanese classic into the ultimate chicken burger
- Between 2 pieces of cling film flatten the chicken breast so they are flat and an even thickness and place them into a bowl
- In the bowl add diced chilli, minced garlic, finely sliced spring onion, drizzle of soy sauce and 3 tsp of katsu rub mix all together with the chicken to ensure chicken is well covered. Leave for an hour in the fridge but overnight is best if possible.
- In 3 seperate bowls add plain flour, beaten eggs and panko breadcrumbs
- Take the chicken out the fridge and remove the onion and chillies from the chicken, dust inn the flour covering fully, transfer to the egg then into the breadcrumbs ensuring the chicken is fully covered, and transfer to a tray
- Heat up your oil of choice to 175c and fry your chicken for 6-8 mins or until golden and at least 75c internal. You may need to do this in batches as over crowding the pan will bring the oil temperature down too much. When each piece is cooked transfer to a kitchen roll lined tray to rest and drain off the oil.
- Whilst the chicken is frying in a bowl add mayonnaise, the juice of half of a lime and 1-2 tsp of katsu rub and mix well. Taste and adjust accordingly.
- Now time to plate. On the base of the bun place your lettuce followed by the chicken, top with the mayo and garnish with spring onion and red chillies for that extra kick. Add the top of the bun and ENJOY!